there is nothing better than having an excuse to stay in my pj's... tommy asked for a green smoothie and i happily + shockingly obliged with some impromptu mullies video coverage.
who would have ever thought?
the recipe is in the video:) don't get hung up on measuring... just dump it all in.
as for this perfect song... big thank you's to the icarus account. i found these lovely musical artists on twitter, fell in love with their song and they gave me a double thumbs up to use it someday. i had no idea what i was going to use it for and when i pasted all the clips together, i.just.knew. thanks guys!
happy friday - happy weekend
mr tommy proving, once again, that if you teach your kiddos -- while they're young -- to eat and appreciate and love whole foods, they'll ask for them and love them with no prompting! hooray! victory!!