Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer Salads | Part 3 - Duck Egg Salad

Duck Egg Salad
Made with local Duck Tail Farm eggs! I pick up mine at the AREA General Store. They are more expensive than regular eggs but boy are they worth it!)

5 hard boiled duck eggs peeled and chopped
3 ribs celery
1/2 onion
2-3 T mayo (I used soy free vegenaise)
1 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp dried dill
1 tbsp dill pickle relish (I am addicted to McClure's relish)
sea salt

Hard boil the duck eggs. I found this article to help me with the hard boiling, the process is slightly different than boiling chicken eggs. Once the duck eggs are cool, peel and dice. Next, finely dice the celery and onions and mix it all in a bowl with the other ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste. I honestly do not measure any of the ingredients, just eyeball and taste test until I get it right. These are my best approximations! Get some gumption!

I think my favorite part of making multiple salads is combining them all for leftovers. Here is a bed of lettuce layered under my duck egg salad with my soffritto quinoa salad on top. I am crazy with the "sundae" food combinations I pile... Did you spy the little mound of FarmHouse Culture Kimchi in the corner peaking out on the right? GROW MORE GUTS - This plate was freaking fantastic!

Back to the ducks... I met Erin Cummingsford of DuckTail Farm a few years ago and began working closer to her last Summer as a fellow Chef in Residence alongside Terri Salminen. (ps Her kids had my Mom as their Kindergarten teacher at Fremont! Hurray!) Erin was instrumental at bringing us both out to the Prairie Crossing Farm and I consider her to be a dear friend and partner in the cultivation of "Lake County Local Food" crime!

Big love you and your beautiful ducks Erin!

To the Mullies,


Alas, my kids would only try one bite of my egg salad (However, this will not be the case forever ... he he he). We did started riding our bikes to the library! I am so proud of my kids and BIG thanks to my Mom for getting us to ride with you!

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